Sunday, May 30, 2010

2 sleeps to go

Must pack soon otherwise I'll be going with nothing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Stuff I still need to do (got to make a list somewhere)

International Driver's Permit
Unlock my phone from Vodafone
Wash clothes
Weigh luggage (cargo (20kgs) and on board (7kgs - and I know that the macbook weighs 3kgs. Camera stuff better not weigh more than 4).
Clean room
Store stuff
Pay car rego
Find thongs
Prezzies for American types


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Greenbacks aren't very green.

Bad lighting, sorry. But I thought it was interesting that the American dollars I bought aren't very green. I was expecting green, not peach and pink.
For the record, $500US cost me $582AU.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Have passport, will travel.

Willie wants one too
Originally uploaded by jsarcadia

Just testing that the flickr link works. It does.

Here we go.....

This is my travel blog. I'll be leaving Australia on June 1st and visiting the US, UK and various parts of Europe. For how long? Who knows......